
Meet the Future Homeowners Who Signed Our 2023 Christmas Cards

Bernadette's Family

2024 Apostles Build

"I am just looking forward to having a place to call home.

Thanks for making it possible for my family to have a home for the rest of their life."

Read Bernadette's family story!

Glenda's Family

Fund for Humanity

"God’s blessed me greatly by doing this. He always has. He’s always been there. And this was the perfect timing because everything is just falling into place right now."

Read Glenda's family story!

Tamara's Family

Fund for Humanity

“I’m just trying to make a better life for me and him, because we’ve been through so much. I feel like we need a break – and this is a huge blessing.”

Read Tamara's family story!

Tonya's Family

Fund for Humanity

"Love conquers all, and when you love from a spot that’s so deep within yourself, you give that back out. Like a shining star - you can’t dim a shining star, and the volunteers are all stars."

Read Tonya's family story!