
Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly e-News

For Faith Communities
November e-news header showing Spanish blessing written on board

November 2024

Companies Donate Roofs for Faith Builds

Last month, both our faith build homes -- the Apostles Build for Bernadette's family and the Interfaith Build for Unity for Isxel's family -- received their roofs. GAF donated materials for both roofs through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity International. Old World Roofing -- which also handles insulation for our new homes -- donated the labor, thanks to a partnership between the Colorado Roofing Association and Habitat for Humanity of Colorado.

Women talking at construction site

Bernadette stopped by during her lunch break to deliver cookies she baked and thank-you cards her children created for Old World Roofing and GAF. Isxel also expressed her appreciation for the companies that donated supplies and labor for her roof, arranging to take the morning off work so she could meet the crew and thank them in person.

In addition to being eventual next-door neighbors and faith build partner families, Bernadette and Isxel have something else in common: Both are educators. Bernadette is a childcare teacher, while Isxel serves as a special education paraprofessional.

Read more about the roof donations!

Sign up for the Gingerbread Home Build

Registration graphic with photos of gingerbread home and Willie and Barbara

Sign up your church's youth group for the 2024 Gingerbread Village Decorating event Friday, Dec. 6, at the ReStore Northeast! Groups will decorate gingerbread homes and compete for fun prizes. This event helps launch our Gingerbread Home Build fundraiser to support our 6th Veterans Build for Willie and Barbara. (See KRDO's coverage of last year's event!)

Willie is a U.S. Army veteran who was stationed at Fort Carson during his service and also is the son of a Korean War veteran. Barbara’s father served in Vietnam. Both also have siblings who are veterans.

After the event, your youth can encourage friends, family, and fellow congregants to vote for their gingerbread home by donating on their fundraising page.

Date: Friday, Dec. 6

Location: ReStore Northeast, 6250 Tutt Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923

Register by Nov. 19!

Meet Our New Interfaith Program Coordinator


My name is Feda Jodeh. I am the new Interfaith Program Coordinator for Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity. I joined Pikes Peak Habitat seven years ago as a member of the Interfaith Build for Unity Subcommittee (IBU) and most recently as a member of the Board of Directors.

I am a first generation Muslim Palestinian American born and raised in Denver. Following in the footsteps of my late father, I found a passion to work with diverse faith-based organizations, to encourage and build community, understanding and dialogue.

Over the years, I have dedicated myself to being a voice for the Muslim community, particularly for Muslim women. My efforts have led me to collaborate with various faith communities across El Paso County and the greater Colorado Springs area. As I step into my new role as Interfaith Program Coordinator, I am excited to continue this work, in strengthening our partnerships to support quality homeownership for those in need in El Paso County. Together, we aim to embody our mission of putting God’s love into action by uniting to build homes, communities, and hope.

Headshot of woman in front of water

As the program coordinator, I am committed to being a valuable resource to your faith communities in every way possible. I am here to answer your questions, listen to your suggestions, or feedback, visit your congregations, and discuss additional ways to enhance our partnership.

I want to personally thank you and your faith communities for your support and the time you have invested and devoted to Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity and the Interfaith Build for Unity program. Your commitment and effort have made it possible for us to productively grow the interfaith program.

It has truly been an honor to work with such a diverse group of faith leaders over the years and I know that we will continue to attain our goals together united as the Interfaith Build for Unity.

I appreciate the warm welcome I have received so far, and I am looking forward to advancing the success of Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity and our Interfaith Build for Unity program.

With deepest thanks and gratitude,

Feda Jodeh

Volunteer Days Still Available for Both Faith Builds

Both our Apostles Build and Interfaith Build for Unity homes have additional volunteer spots available! We'd love for your church congregation or faith community to join us in building a home in partnership with an El Paso County workforce family.

Apostles Build (working on the home for Bernadette's family

Saturday, December 7, 2024 - any shift

Interfaith Build for Unity (working on the home for Isxel's family)

Saturday, December 21, 2024 - any shift
Saturday, January 11, 2025 - any shift
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - any shift
Saturday, February 1, 2025 - any shift
Saturday, February 15, 2025 - any shift

If you're interested in signing up for any of these spots or have questions, please e-mail Sarah Buchen, our volunteer manager, at Volunteer@PikesPeakHabitat.org.

People working to build home

Ways to Put Faith into Action This Holiday Season

Bernadette and her three children

Attend a Home Dedication

Celebrate with a Workforce Family!

Save the date for our Apostles Build home dedication Dec. 14! We'll celebrate with Bernadette and her family, as well as the local church congregations who came together to help build her new home.

The home dedication takes place at 10:30 a.m. at The Ridge at Sand Creek, 868 Bidwell Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80915. We'd love to have you join us! Meet the family, tour the home, and see the joy that your support has made possible!


Our Better Angels book cover

Join Our Book Club!

Attend in Person or on Zoom!

The Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity Book Club will meet on Thursday, Dec. 12. We’ll read Our Better Angels: Seven Simple Virtues That Will Change Your Life and the World by Jonathan Reckford, the CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. He discusses seven virtues that are important to him as a Christian and that also transcend religious divisions.

You have two options to join in!

  • 11 a.m.-noon in person, ReStore Northeast, 6250 Tutt Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80923. We’ll meet in the conference room (go to the cabinet area in the northwest corner of the showroom and look for the door!). Snacks will be provided, and you are welcome to bring lunch.

    7-8 p.m. on Zoom
    Meeting ID 833 7985 6858
    Passcode 037639

We hope to see you there!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Learn About November Holidays

Observe Religious and Secular Holidays This Month

This November, we're celebrating religious and non-religious holidays! Join us in observing these:

  • Thanksgiving Nov. 28
  • Native American Heritage Day Nov. 29

In addition, November is National Native American Heritage Month.

If you celebrate a holiday that's new to you this year, or even learn something interesting you didn't know, we'd love to hear about it! E-mail your insights to Monique@PikesPeakHabitat.org.

Headshot of smiling woman

Explore Planned Giving with Pikes Peak Habitat

Leave Your Legacy to Support Affordable Homeownership in El Paso County!

Anyone who wants to leave a legacy, regardless of their age or income, can help us bring hope to future generations of families in need of affordable housing.

Your gift – no matter the size – will forge a lasting legacy that impacts local families for generations. Just a little planning expands your opportunity to help Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity build a world where everyone has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.

As with all financial planning, it is important to consult your attorney or financial advisor to ensure compliance, maximum tax benefits, and help with legal documents.

Contact Abigail Hernandez, planned giving officer, at Abigail@PikesPeakHabitat.org for more information!