Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly e-News
October 2023
Sign Up for the Church Staff Build Morning
If you are working at a local church or Christian nonprofit, it's not too late to join Pikes Peak Habitat on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023, from 8 a.m. to noon, for a no-strings-attached morning on our construction site. During the Apostles Church Staff Build Morning, attendees will have an opportunity to fellowship with other church leaders, kick the morning off with an encouraging devotion, and volunteer. Breakfast and the devotion will run from 8-8:45 a.m., and attendees will volunteer on our construction site at The Ridge at Sand Creek neighborhood from 9 a.m. to noon.
Each congregation is welcome to invite one or two staff members to attend as church liaisons. While any church staff members can participate, some particular positions that may be beneficial include a local/global ministry director, outreach coordinator, executive pastor, or young adults leader.
No experience is necessary, but registration is required. We still have a couple of slots available for this special event, so if you or a member of your church staff is interested in attending, please save your spot by filling out the registration link by Monday, Oct. 9. Alternatively, please feel free to send an email to RSVP to Chloe@pikespeakhabitat.org.
Program Spotlight: 25th Anniversary Global Village Trip to Habitat Paraguay
Did you know you can put your faith into action not only to help those in need of affordable, permanent housing in our local community, but also for our neighbors around the globe through Global Village trips? Global Village is a Habitat for Humanity International initiative that brings people to another country to help build affordable homes, work alongside people from other cultures, and learn about housing needs from a specific community's perspective. These short-term service projects give attendees the chance to experience another culture and live like a local while helping communities that need safe, affordable housing.
The Global Village program offers an opportunity to understand our differences and discover our commonalities when it comes to housing-related matters, while partnering in the work the Lord is doing in countries around the world. Though the international program has been paused since the global pandemic, Habitat for Humanity International is working toward worldwide resumption in 2024.
As a part of the initial steps toward resuming the international program, Chloe Henry, Pikes Peak Habitat's Faith in Action program manager, recently participated in a Global Village trip to Paraguay. She and other participants helped finish a home for Norma's family and attended the dedication where the whole community celebrated with the new homeowners! Some of the activities international volunteers participated in during the week included:

Finishing Norma's House for the Home Dedication Ceremony
During the week international volunteers were hard at work on the construction site to prepare for the dedication ceremony for Norma's house. Some of the jobs on the construction site included interior and exterior painting, landscaping, grouting, making concrete, and building a water filtration system.
Norma, who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer, will live in the home with her two daughters and grandchildren. For the 25th anniversary, Habitat Paraguay had full funding to build one home. Neighbors in a community where Habitat is active were tasked with choosing which family would receive the home. They unanimously chose Norma, who already owned the land but was living with her family in substandard housing.

Participating in Cultural Activities for the 25th Anniversary
Throughout the week, international volunteers participated in a variety of cultural events to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Habitat Paraguay.
For example, following the home dedication ceremony, international volunteers participated in a community fair hosted by local community members. The fair included various games, traditional dances, a piñata, and food made by neighbors. International volunteers also attended a special concert which was headlined by a famous local indigenous band named Purahei Soul. One of the group's most recent songs, "Pajarito," describes a bird's perspective on the plight faced by Paraguayan community members whose houses flood every year.

Visiting the Neighborhoods Habitat Paraguay is Partnering With
Over the course of their affiliate's history, Habitat Paraguay has been hard at work to provide long-term, sustainable housing solutions to families. By their 10th anniversary, the affiliate had completed over 100 homes. By the time they reached their 20th anniversary, more than 1,000 homes had been completed.
During the trip international volunteers got the opportunity to visit various neighborhoods Habitat Paraguay is currently working. Not only were these visits a testament to the affiliate's creativity to address diverse community needs, but they were also led by local community members who live in the neighborhoods.
Ways to Put Faith into Action This August

Save the Date for the 2023 Apostles Build Home Dedication
In the next couple of months, the final touches will be put on Mariela and Ricardo's home. Once the house is completed churches, donors, and volunteers will come together for a home dedication ceremony. You don't want to miss this special opportunity to join in prayer with Christians around the city for this family, hear from our homeowners, and watch them step into their home for the first time, marking a new chapter in their family's story. Mark your calendars for the tentative home dedication ceremony date on Saturday, December 9, 2023. We hope you will join us!