Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly Interfaith e-News

May 2024
Attend the 4th IBU Kickoff Event

The start of the 4th Interfaith Build for Unity (IBU) is right around the corner!
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, you're invited to join Pikes Peak Habitat from 5:15 - 6:30 p.m. at The Ridge at Sand Creek Neighborhood (5303 Beauport Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80915) for the 4th IBU kickoff.
Attendees will get the chance to learn about the IBU and our 4th IBU partner homeowner Isxel. Additionally, attendees will have a chance to sign up their faith community for a IBU volunteer date. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by emailing Chloe@PikesPeakHabitat.org.
Interfaith Program Earns International Award

On September 23, 2010, HM King Abdullah II of Jordan introduced a World Interfaith Harmony Week at the Plenary Session of the 65th UN General Assembly in New York. This resolution was adopted by the UN on October 20, 2010, and the first week of February, every year, has been declared a UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. The UN World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to promote the common basis of “Love of God and Love of the Neighbour, or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbour” among people as a means to safeguard world peace. Its message invites everyone, excludes no one, and is purely voluntary.
Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity celebrated World Interfaith Harmony Week Feb. 1-7, 2024 with a series of challenges including our interfaith dialogue, "Who is Your Neighbor?" which featured representatives from the City of Colorado Springs Mayor's Office and a panel of speakers from diverse faith traditions.
For these efforts, Pikes Peak Habitat won the silver medal in the King Abdullah II U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week Competition! The prize for silver includes a silver medal and $3,000 which will support our Faith in Action program. Chloe Henry, Faith in Action program manager, and Kris Lewis, CEO, will also represent Pikes Peak Habitat at the awards ceremony to be held at the Jordanian Embassy in Washington, D.C. later this year.
Participate in the 4th Interfaith Build for Unity

As we approach the start of the 4th Interfaith Build for Unity (IBU), check out our 4th IBU Faith Community Involvement Form to view a variety of partnership and engagement opportunities available to faith groups. If you feel your faith community as a whole, religious school, or individuals from your group would be interested in one or more of these opportunities to engage with interfaith work locally and support the 4th IBU, please:
- Download this fillable PDF.
- Check the engagement opportunities you are interested in learning more about.
- Email your completed form to Chloe@pikespeakhabitat.org.
Our staff will gladly send you information related to your selections.
Interested in discussing an idea that isn't listed? Please reach out to Chloe@pikespeakhabitat.org.
Ways to Get Involved This May

Attend the Balanced Homebuying Workshop
Join Thrivent and Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity for the "Balanced Homebuying: Tips for Purchasing Your First Home" workshop on Tuesday, May, 14, 2024, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Peak City Church (1710 Dublin Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918).
During this community event, attendees will learn about the state of housing in El Paso County and gain insights about the housing market. Additionally, attendees will learn about a five-step SMART plan to prepare for homeownership. This training will cover topics including creating a budget, tips to improve your credit score, potential questions to ask lenders, and more. Finally, attendees will also get to hear about Pikes Peak Habitat's homeownership program.
Heavy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be provided. Register to attend this special event!

Learn More About Our Homeownership Program
Pikes Peak Habitat will be accepting applications for our homeownership program from May 6-17! If you or someone you know is in need of an affordable homeownership opportunity in El Paso County, please help us spread the word about our homeownership application cycle.
Steps for Applying to Our Homeownership Program
- Review the Program Qualifications to ensure that your household meets the program guidelines and watch the Information Session video.
- Complete the program application. Download the 2024 checklist and application packet (PDF). Applications are also available at the Pikes Peak Habitat business office, 2802 N. Prospect St., Colorado Springs, CO 80907. Please e-mail Amber@pikespeakhabitat.org if you have questions!
- When you have completed the application and have photocopies of all supporting documents, drop off the complete application package at the Pikes Peak Habitat business office, 2802 N. Prospect St., Colorado Springs, CO 80907.
Learn more about our homeownership program and the program qualifications.