Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly Interfaith e-News
September 2023
Meet Our 3rd Interfaith Build for Unity Partner Family
This year Pikes Peak Habitat is honored to partner with Jessica's family for our 3rd Interfaith Build for Unity.
As a single mother, Jessica started her journey to Pikes Peak Habitat out of the desire to spend more time with her 7-year-old son, Bryson, and determination to provide a safe, stable place for them both to live. After a period of couch surfing, Jessica and Bryson found their current residence. When this apartment came on the market, Jessica was quick to pursue the lead, but after moving in, she “slowly learned why we could afford it.” Their 290-square-foot studio apartment has numerous safety issues, electrical hazards, and holes around the window panes that create significant temperature fluctuations in both the summer and winter. They also experience seasonal rodent issues, and their apartment was broken into during broad daylight.
After hearing about Pikes Peak Habitat's homeownership program from a coworker, Jessica applied. On the day she received the news that her family had been accepted, Jessica says, “It was almost like a big change instantaneously because I can put a different kind of attitude and my best foot forward now and not be so negative about what I’m going to come home to.”
Jessica has already been working side-by-side with volunteers out on the construction site as a part of her sweat equity hours. She is following in the footsteps of her grandparents, who built their house in Kansas. Excited to continue this intergenerational legacy of hard work, Jessica is not only looking forward to learning what goes into building a house, but also being able to see her completed home one day and say, “I did this.”
When she thinks about her future home, Jessica is excited for a “healthier and happier way of life” and “a stable place to make memories.” Meanwhile, Jessica's son is most excited about building forts and Legos in his new home! Thanks to volunteers from diverse faiths, Jessica's family will be able to walk into their newly completed home in Spring 2024.
Test Your Knowledge with "Where in the World" Habitat Trivia
Think you have what it takes to match Habitat homes with their locations across the globe? If so check out Habitat for Humanity's new interactive "Where in the World" trivia game and put your skills to the test. See if you can guess where these six safe, affordable Habitat homes are located. Just click and drag each home to a location, then press "Submit my answers."
After you've had a chance to submit your answers, take a couple minutes to listen to Brenda, a Habitat homeowner, share about the difference her home has made in her family's life in the Dominican Republic, Pikes Peak Habitat's newest tithe partner country.
Ways to Put Faith into Action This September

Join Our New Home Repair Committee and Learn About Our Work
Did you know that Pikes Peak Habitat has a home repair program focused on serving cost-burdened families, veterans, and seniors in El Paso County, CO? Many of these interior and exterior repair projects address safety, health, accessibility concerns, as well as state and local code violations. If you aren't familiar with our work, take a couple of minutes to learn about our program through the eyes of one of our repair program homeowners, Rose.
If you are excited about the work being completed through our repair program, consider getting involved by applying to join our home repair program committee (PDF). The committee will provide expertise in home repairs, remodel, accessibility accommodations, and general residential construction. Pikes Peak Habitat is looking for individuals who are passionate about our mission and interested in aging in place, service to the veteran community, and service to under-resourced communities to join us in this endeavor. We hope to see your application soon!