Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly e-News
August 2023
Help Pikes Peak Habitat Finish the 2023 Apostles Build
Construction on the 2023 Apostles Build is well underway. Thanks to churches who have already participated in a build day, the first floor of Ricardo and Mariela's house is framed. In late July, three church congregations -- Bethel Lutheran Church, Black Forest Lutheran Church, and First Lutheran Church -- came together for an Apostles Build Day and collectively volunteered 76 hours, which equates to over a week and a half of full-time work for a staff member!
Work on the second floor is starting to take shape.
There are still a few spaces available for churches to help finish off the 2023 Apostles Build as we head into the fall:
- Saturday, Sep. 16, 2023
- Friday, Oct. 6, 2023
- Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023 (COSILoveYou CityServe Day)
- Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023
- Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023
If your congregation, ministry, or small group is interested in one of these days, please e-mail Chloe@pikespeakhabitat.org.
Join Us for the Church Staff Build Morning!
Are members of your church staff interested in getting to know other church leaders working in the El Paso County region? Is there a church staff member who could use a morning of fellowship, service, and rejuvenation?
Pikes Peak Habitat is deeply grateful for the church staff across the county who love on our city and share the love of Christ through their daily work. As an expression of our gratitude, we are setting aside a no-strings-attached morning on our construction site specifically for church staff members.
While church leaders work hard to provide programming and service opportunities for congregants, we recognize these opportunities may not always be as accessible or focused on ministry leaders themselves. So, on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023, from 8 a.m. to noon, Pikes Peak Habitat and the Apostles Build Subcommittee are offering an opportunity for church staff to fellowship with other church leaders, be led in a morning devotion during breakfast, and put faith into action for half a day. Breakfast and the devotion will run from 8-8:45 a.m., and attendees will volunteer on our construction site at our Ridge at Sand Creek Neighborhood from 9 a.m. to noon.
Each congregation is welcome to invite one or two staff members to attend as church liaisons. While any staff members are welcome, some particular positions that may be beneficial include a local/global ministry director, outreach coordinator, executive pastor, or young adults leader. If you or a member of your church staff are interested in attending, please save your spot by filling out the registration link Alternatively, please feel free to send an email to RSVP to Chloe@pikespeakhabitat.org.
Ways to Put Faith into Action This August

Mark Your Calendars for Fall CityServe with COSILoveYou
This year, Pikes Peak Habitat will be partnering with COSILoveYou again for their fall CityServe event, which is a "no strings attached city-wide day of service where 'all are welcome to serve and be served.'" CityServe is a wonderful way for churches across the community to come together as the body of Christ and love on our city. Pikes Peak Habitat will be hosting volunteer opportunities at our ReStore locations as well as on on our construction site, so be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 7 and start brainstorming who you might like to bring with you to serve.

Finish Your Summer Reading List by Learning About Habitat's History
Are you looking for a new book? Consider picking up one of the following books that discuss the history, mission, and faith-based roots of Habitat for Humanity: