Meet the Andino Family

The Andino Family Story...
The Andino family began in 2005 as Ms. Andino became a single mother to her son, Michael. Ms. Andino and Michael have been living with family for the past ten years, living in Ms. Andino’s mother’s home, along with her mother’s partner, her sister, and her sister’s two children. That’s seven family members that makeup three separate families living in the home. The house is overcrowded, which has caused some family tensions, especially now with the COVID-19 crisis as all three families are staying in the house more than ever.
To seek independence and a home of her own for her family, Ms. Andino set out to purchase a home loan on the open market in Colorado Springs and met with a loan officer in town. She learned that her student loans, acquired to earn her teaching degree, increased her debt-to-income ratio, and would not allow for the high loan amount Ms. Andino would need to purchase a home given the high market prices of homes in El Paso County. Ms. Andino was frustrated that even after securing a great job as a third-grade teacher in Colorado Springs, she would not be able to purchase affordable, permanent housing for her family. Ms. Andino is very passionate about educating young students and loves her work. “It’s really, truly a blessing,” said Ms. Andino of being a teacher.
After being advised that she could not afford to purchase a home on the open market, Ms. Andino, not being one to give up, did some research of her own online. She found Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity’s (PPHFH) website and details of our Homeownership Program. PPHFH’s Homeownership Program’s application cycle was open at the time, so Ms. Andino applied right away and was accepted into the program in April of 2020.
Now, as a future homeowner through her partnership with Habitat, Ms. Andino is looking forward to achieving her goal of owning her own home. She is relieved and grateful that she will have more privacy, space, and independence for herself and her son. Ms. Andino shared that she thinks moving out of her mother’s house and into her own will bring her family closer and help eliminate some of the current tensions caused by their crowded living situation.
Sharing her appreciation of the opportunity for affordable homeownership through her partnership with Habitat, all made possible by our generous donors, volunteers, and partner organizations, Ms. Andino shared, “Thank you. Thank you for volunteering. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your faith. For serving God in a very amazing and unique way. I’m really appreciative, and I’m very grateful for every volunteer that you have . . . for this opportunity. Because if it wasn’t for you, I would still be stuck, and I wouldn’t have a light at the end of my tunnel . . . You guys are really helping me achieve my goal.”