Misty and David's Family
Misty and David moved to Colorado Springs with their three children several years ago. They had been living in an unsafe part of Denver and thought their family would find more opportunities, including better schools, in El Paso County. But now they’re in an overcrowded situation with relatives they describe as hoarders. They lack an escape route in case of fire. And they fight a losing battle with mold, which contributes to their youngest son’s severe asthma.
One night at a restaurant, they overheard a contractor at the next table discussing Pikes Peak Habitat’s homebuying program. They decided that was a sign they should investigate further. And the timing turned out to be perfect.
“I went home and checked on the website, and it said you guys were having an informational meeting,” says David. “I told Misty, I don’t want you to get your hopes up or anything, but I think we should go check it out.”
They did, and they discovered they met the qualifications for the program. Gathering all of the paperwork was “hectic” but worthwhile—especially when they learned they had been approved to purchase one of the final homes in The Ridge at Sand Creek neighborhood.

“This is something that I honestly didn’t think I’d ever be able to provide for her,” David says. “I didn’t think we’d ever have our own house, especially with the economy and the market. It just seemed out of reach.”
He adds, “Just waking up every day and realizing, Wow, a year or a year and a half from now, I’ll be in my own house forever, and knowing that I won’t have to move again and the kids will always have a place to stay, we’ll always have a safe, secure place, it’s mind-blowing.”
“It’s been a wild ride of emotions. We are just so thankful every day,” agrees Misty. “I literally wake up and just smile, because it’s really happening for us! We waited so long for something like this to happen, and we’re still in shock.”
When they got the call letting them know they had been approved for Pikes Peak Habitat’s program, Misty recalls dancing through the house with her daughter, Mylah, and screaming for joy.
“My daughter’s room is like a storage room. It’s barely big enough for her bed and her dresser. So this whole time—she’s 15—she’s been dreaming about a big, beautiful room,” Misty says. “All the kids could talk about was how they’re going to decorate it and how they’re going to invite their friends for sleepovers and just having parties and stuff like that.”
Like other future homeowners, they admit to “stalking” the neighborhood—driving past regularly to see what it’s like, wave to their future neighbors, and dream about the site where their home will stand.

“I think it’s really cool that we’re going to be able to do something people haven’t done for a long time! Most people don’t have any part of building their house,” David notes. “I’m really excited for that, and then just it’s really a big peace of mind, a sense of accomplishment, that when we’re finally in our house, knowing that we helped build this, we helped get this done— it’s going to be really cool!”
And they’re excited to contribute to their new community.
“I love that we can help other families build their homes and help them achieve their dream,” says Misty. “That makes me excited!”

David aspires to be the kind of neighbor his grandfather was.
“His grandpa was going around the neighborhood and if anything needed fixing, he was the man,” Misty says. “So that’s what David is. He knows how to do it all!”
David tears up as he recalls that before his grandfather passed, “he wanted me to promise him that I would always take care of Misty, because he loved Misty dearly, and he loved Mylah, too,” he says. “One of the last conversations we had before he passed is he told me, ‘Promise me that you’ll always take care of my girls and do right by them.’ And I feel like staying on a good path, everything’s falling into place now.”
The road has not been easy for their family, but “we’ve always been there for each other,” David recalls. “I feel like it was a blessing that me and her met, and I was able to turn my life around.”
As a teenager, he joined a gang, and Misty was kicked out of her home when she was 16. She moved in with David and soon became pregnant. Not only did they face becoming parents at a young age, but during the pregnancy, they learned their daughter had a cleft lip. The ultrasound didn’t show how serious the condition was, so they weren’t sure whether she would even be able to eat. But after doing their own research, they realized “she is going to be fine, no matter what,” David says.
Facing that situation—which included surgery for their daughter when she was old enough—was difficult but brought them closer together, they say.
“One of the only regrets we ever had is having kids so early. It was always a struggle to provide for them,” says David. “At the same time, they’re the best thing that ever happened to us! I love all of them. They make me so happy every day. We stick together as a family, no matter what.”
“What I love most about David is he never gives up on his family,” agrees Misty. “He never gave up on us.”

That commitment has seen them through some lean years.
“I feel guilty for that to this day, because there were a lot of years where we really did struggle,” David recalls. “I couldn’t get Misty anything. Christmas was bad. Birthdays were bad. And now that we’re finally at a place where things have gotten a little better, I’m just grateful that she stuck it out all this time!”
He adds, “Getting a house has been her dream forever, and it was so hard knowing that I wanted to, but realistically, it was an impossibility.”
They express appreciation to the volunteers and churches who will help build their home.
“I would just like to mention how grateful we are,” Misty says. “I’m so grateful!”
“I know that this doesn’t happen for everybody,” David concludes. “I know that there’s a lot of people out there who need housing, and I just thank God every day that we were chosen. It’s just unbelievable to us.”
Read more about their family.

About the Apostles Build

The ecumenical Apostles Faith (formerly Thrivent Faith Build) Build brings local churches from around El Paso County together to raise walls, funds, and prayers, to build a house in partnership with a family in our community in need of affordable housing. Through this build, and as an affiliate as a whole, we seek to display the love of Christ through our work in our local community. The Apostles Faith Build program is an opportunity to live out your church’s local outreach ministry, fellowship with other church congregations from around El Paso County, and see the miracle that occurs when God touches the hearts of future homeowners and the volunteers who work alongside them.