This month, we’re reading Our Better Angels: Seven Simple Virtues That Will Change Your Life and the World by Jonathan Reckford, as we celebrated the Apostles Build home dedication Dec. 14 for Bernadette’s family.
Reckford, the CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, discusses seven virtues that are important to him as a Christian and that also transcend religious divisions.
If you weren’t able to attend our book club discussions on Dec. 12, we’d still love to have you join the conversation!
Reflection Questions

Did any of the stories and anecdotes that he relates stand out to you? Which one, and why?
What benefits do you see when you act with kindness?
Why is kindness common to so many faith traditions?

How can transformation be a community effort, rather than just an individual decision?
Why do Habitat neighborhoods often have such strong communities?
What does community look like for you? What do you wish it looked like? How can you build that kind of community in your life?
Why does empowerment matter?
How does empowering people who have had fewer opportunities benefit everyone?

What role does joy play in your life?
Where do you find joy?
Why is respect so fundamental to Habitat’s mission?
What does Reckford say is the starting point of respect? Do you agree? Why is this quality so important in building respect?
How do we see a lack of respect play out in the United States today?

What are some of the benefits of generosity?
Can you think of a time when someone showed generosity to you? What did that mean in your life?
On p. 200, Reckford shares a quote from Frederick Buechner: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Have you experienced this in your life? If so, what does it look like for you?

What experiences, positive and negative, have you had in serving others?
Concluding Thoughts
Which virtue that he discusses is most significant to you? Why?
Which one do you most need to cultivate in your life? Why? What can you do today to support this value?