Thrivent Financial sponsored 50% of the cost to build a Habitat home in 2019 for homeowners, Andi and Randy, continuing our mission of bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope!
Pictures from the 2019 Thrivent Faith Build Home Dedication Ceremony on December 14, 2019:
Learn more about our 2019 homeowners:

Their Story...
Andi has been Randy’s caretaker and best friend for the past 10 years, and in 2016, the longtime friends moved from Florida to Colorado at the suggestion of Randy’s doctor. At the age of 33, Randy was diagnosed with liver disease and given a prognosis of three years to live. Now living in Colorado, Randy’s health has made a turn for the better, one that his doctors call a miracle.
Andi and Randy currently reside in a mobile home that was constructed in 1973. To say that their home is in need of substantial repairs is a gross understatement – the roof and pipes are leaking, and the floors are rotted. Due to inadequate insulation, winter utility bills are unaffordably high, and summer heat leads to sweltering indoor temperatures. Insects and rodents easily make their way into the home. The lot that the home sits on has poor waste water drainage. And if all that weren’t enough, there was once an undetected carbon monoxide leak. In the neighborhood, drugs and violence are prevalent and loose animals wander the property, prompting frequent calls to the police.
Desperately seeking a way out of this bad situation, Andi and Randy turned to contractors for repairs, but were taken advantage of, and their complaints to the property’s management company provided no relief. At the advice of a Peak Vista employee, Andi and Randy decided to investigate Habitat. After a visit with a Habitat construction site staff member, they decided to apply for Habitat’s Homeownership Program. They were successfully accepted as future Habitat homeowners.
In their new home, Randy and Andi will live only minutes away from their doctor’s office and other services that are currently over five miles away from their house. They are thrilled to be moving to a well-built home and a safe community that will give them a long overdue sense of security and peace of mind.