
The first shift of volunteers is cancelled at The Ridge at Sand Creek Friday, Feb. 21, due to weather.

Check out our events and announcements!


Frequently Asked Questions about volunteering at Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity (PPHFH)

Q: Who can I contact about volunteer programs?

A: For volunteering on the construction site, contact Sarah Buchen at 719.290.1969 or volunteer@pikespeakhabitat.org. For volunteering at the ReStore, contact Dusty Last at 719.213.5655 or restorevolunteer@pikespeakhabitat.org.

Q: What are the age restrictions to volunteer?

A: At the construction site, you must be 16 years or older to volunteer. Minors 16 and 17 years old will need to complete our youth waiver with parents in order to be allowed on the site on their own.

Anyone 12 years old and over is welcome to explore other options with our Habitat ReStore. Parents or guardians should be prepared to volunteer with their children for those opportunities up to age 16.

Q: How large can my volunteer group be?

A: We can accommodate up to 20 people for each construction site.  The ReStore can accommodate for groups up to 50 on a regular day.

Q: What should I wear when volunteering with PPHFH?

A: Dress for the weather! Close-toed shoes are MANDATORY. Be prepared to work on projects that will be inside or outside. We recommend dressing in layers to prepare for the cold winds or calm, warm days. We also recommend lightweight pants and long-sleeved shirts to protect the skin from irritating weeds, insulation, or chemicals.

Q: Can I volunteer at Pikes Peak Habitat's business office?

A: You sure can! For more information please email our business office at office@pikespeakhabitat.org.

Q: When does PPHFH build?

A: All 12 months of the year.

Q: Do I need any previous building experience to volunteer on the construction site?

A: No. Many of our volunteers have never picked up a hammer before coming out to our construction site. All you need is a passion for making a difference and a willingness to get your hands dirty.

Q: Do I need to bring my own tools, etc.?

A: No, we provide all building and safety materials you will need to work on our construction site. Please just always wear closed-toes shoes on the construction site.

Q: How often do I need to complete a safety waiver?

A: Construction safety waivers are renewed every January.

Q: How will I know if my volunteer event gets canceled?

A: You will receive a cancellation email. Most often, the build cancellation policy follows the school district where the construction site is located.

Q: How do I register a group?

A: Reach out to Sarah Buchen at 719.290.1969 or volunteer@pikespeakhabitat.org.

Q: What will I be doing on the construction site?

A: volunteers build 90% of our homes, so we do not have a set construction schedule, but most common projects are fencing, foundation, framing, landscaping, painting, roofing, and installing vinyl siding.

Q: Where can I park?

A: There is roadside parking available at our construction site.

Q: Will there be a bathroom on the construction site?

A: Yes, we have portable toilets.

Q: Is lunch provided on the construction site?

A: No, volunteers are welcome to bring lunch and eat on-site or go off-site for lunch. Lunch breaks are from 12-1 pm.

Q: How do I volunteer at the ReStore?

A: To volunteer as a group or individual, please call Dusty Last, ReStore Volunteer Coordinator, at 719.213.5655 or email her at restorevolunteer@pikespeakhabitat.org. to schedule an orientation. ReStore volunteer orientations are Monday through Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please schedule orientations - no new orientation walk-ins. Shifts are 9 am – 1 pm or 1 – 5 pm and the ReStore is open Monday through Saturday.