Legacy Builders Society
It would be our honor to welcome you as a member of the Legacy Builders Society at Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity.
By making a permanent gift to Pikes Peak Habitat through your will, trust, or a beneficiary designation, you ensure that our partnership will endure long after your lifetime.
Let us accompany you as you imagine how your gifts will transform a family’s life as they move into their first home.

Declare your intent:
If you have included Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity in your estate planning, please let us know by filling out a Declaration of Intent and returning the form to Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity, Office of Planned Giving at 2802 N. Prospect St., Colorado Springs, CO, 80907 or by email at abigail@pikespeakhabitat.org.
- The opportunity to be a part of the inaugural group of Legacy Builders at Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity.
- Recognition on our planned giving webpage, publications, and media.
- An invitation to future Legacy Builders Society events.
As with all financial planning, it is important to consult your attorney or financial advisor to ensure compliance, maximum tax benefits, and help with legal documents.