
Pikes Peak Habitat Faith in Action Monthly Interfaith e-News

For Faith Communities
August e-news header showing apron that reads "Every hand makes a difference"

August 2024

Tithe Update: Home Equals

Water dispenser reading Salud Al Agua

Earlier this summer, Habitat for Humanity International celebrated the first anniversary of the official launch of its Home Equals global advocacy campaign. The Home Equals campaign is focused on addressing systemic barriers preventing one billion people living in informal settlements in more than 40 countries from access to adequate housing. This campaign recognizes that informal settlement residents around the world often lack access to clean water, do not have land rights to their homes, and are vulnerable to natural disasters destroying their homes. With the goal to make informal settlements adequate, Habitat for Humanity International is working to ensure these housing areas are characterized by safety, affordability, access to basic services, and accessibility.

Habitat affiliates nationwide have taken an active role in supporting this global advocacy campaign. In fiscal year 2024, Habitat affiliates throughout the United States tithed nearly $475,000 to this campaign to help ensure that everyone, everywhere has a safe, affordable place to call home.

Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity is also doing its part to serve not only our local community, but communities around the world, by tithing 10% of our undesignated funds to our international partner affiliates. This month, our Pikes Peak Habitat staff encourage you to learn more about the tithe countries our affiliate has the privilege to partner with on an ongoing basis.

Remembering Paul Johnson

Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity is saddened by the passing of Paul Johnson, who served as the affiliate's executive director from 1997 until his retirement in 2014. Under his leadership, Pikes Peak Habitat launched our first ReStore at 411 S. Wahsatch Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903, 20 years ago. Proceeds from that store, along with a second Pikes Peak Habitat ReStore -- which opened at 6250 Tutt Blvd., Colorado Springs, 80923, in 2022 -- have contributed to the construction of 128 homes in El Paso County. He also spearheaded the development of two neighborhood communities: Woodmen Vistas in Colorado Springs, where Pikes Peak Habitat built 37 homes, and Country Living in Fountain, with 34.

Man holding plaque

Pikes Peak Habitat opened in 1986 and had built 25 houses when Johnson assumed leadership. The spring he retired, the affiliate dedicated its 125th -- and Johnson's 100th -- home.

Pikes Peak Habitat, and the many El Paso County families who are living in homes of their own thanks to Johnson's enthusiasm and dedication, are grateful for his legacy.

Please join us in remembering and celebrating Paul Johnson.

Share your memories>>

Frame of a house

Sign Up for 4th IBU Volunteer Days

Volunteer days for the 4th Interfaith Build for Unity are filling quickly. Last weekend, we kicked off the 4th IBU with back-to-back volunteer days on Saturday and Sunday. We hope your faith community will consider joining us in the next couple of months.

Remaining volunteer dates include:

  • Friday, Oct. 25, 2024 (Partnered with Temple Shalom)
  • Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024 (Partnered with Grace & St. Stephen's Episcopal Church and Temple Beit Torah)
  • Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024
  • Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024 (Partnered with the U.S. Air Force White Ropes)
  • Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024
  • Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025
  • Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025 (Partnered with Temple Shalom)
  • Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025
  • Saturday, Feb. 15, 2024

If you are interested in reserving one of these volunteer dates for members of your faith community, please reach out to our staff at volunteer@pikespeakhabitat.org.

Decorated picnic table

Students Put Faith into Action

This summer, students from Ascension Lutheran Church came together to partner with numerous organizations including Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity during their Faith and Art Camp to complete various service projects for our community. During this camp, 60 children from kindergarten through fifth grade, from both Ascension and the local community, immersed themselves in a week full of creative exploration. The campers engaged in a variety of artistic projects, including painting, weaving, woodworking, theater, culinary arts, and music.

After watching a video about Pikes Peak Habitat to learn about our mission, the older students worked on painting a picnic table. This picnic table will find its home on our construction site at The Ridge at Sand Creek, where it will be used by volunteers daily during the lunch hour. This picnic table will not only provide a comfy location for volunteers to break bread together, but it will also act as a unique art piece for all of our volunteers to enjoy.

Additionally, kindergarten through second grade students designed and created various baffles, or art projects, that will be installed in the interior the 2024 Apostles Build home between the roof line/eaves overhead and outside the wall soffit. These baffle art projects, often made of cardboard, metal, foam, or plastic, will not only help keep the installation in place, but also provide a unique way for some of the youngest church members to support the mission of Pikes Peak Habitat.

Reflecting upon the projects, Deacon Mary Stoneback shared, "Watching the Faith and Art Camp children pour their hearts and creativity into projects like painting benches and baffles for Habitat was truly inspiring. It’s more than just art; it’s a reflection of their journey as Disciples of Jesus, connecting with the community and serving God. Seeing their work in use shows them the power of their actions and reminds us all that even the smallest hands can make a profound difference."

Are students from your faith community interested in designing a similar arts-based project in partnership with Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity? If so, please reach out to FaithProgram@pikespeakhabitat.org.

Ways to Get Involved This August

Person putting books into a Little Library

Join the Ad Hoc Book Club Committee

We're putting together an ad hoc committee to establish content guidelines and help select titles for our book club. Our hope is to include diverse perspectives and voices that represent El Paso County as well as our various programs. If that sounds like you, and you love reading books and discussing ideas, please e-mail Monique@PikesPeakHabitat.org by Aug. 30 to express your interest and learn more!

Graphic says, "You're gonna want to be a part of this! Come see why working with us is positively unique."

Apply to Join the Pikes Peak Habitat Staff

Do you want a rewarding career working in partnership with local workforce families? Do you yearn to know that what you do every day makes a tangible difference in El Paso County? Do you value environmentally responsible practices, from low-water landscaping to innovative recycling programs through our ReStores? Do you want to work with a team of kind, dedicated, passionate people who share those values?

If the answer is YES, then apply today! We're currently looking for people for these positions:

Apply to join our staff!>>