Pikes Peak Habitat's Interfaith Programs
Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity is a proudly Christian organization that works with people of all faiths and no faith. We are garnering national recognition for our interfaith initiatives, which bring together people of diverse faith traditions to build homes, form relationships, and engage in constructive dialogue about affordable homeownership.
Faith in Action e-Newsletter
Read about opportunities for individuals and communities interested in getting involved with our faith programs!
November 2024: Companies Donate Roofs for Faith Builds
Previous editions:
- September 2024: Two Faith Builds, One Newsletter
- August 2024: Tithe Update: Home Equals
- July 2024: Pikes Peak Habitat Visits Washington, D.C., for World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize
- June 2024: Join Us for the October Disaster Relief Trip
- May 2024: Attend the 4th IBU Kickoff Event
- April 2024: Attend the Team Up Interfaith Training Video Series Info Night
- March 2024: Learn about our 4th IBU partner family
- January 2024: Join us for the Interfaith Dialogue!
- December 2023: Stories of Hope This Holiday Season
- November 2023: Help Make a Bench for Our Interfaith Homeowners
- October 2023: 25th Anniversary Global Village Trip to Habitat Paraguay
- September 2023: Meet Our 3rd Interfaith Build for Unity Partner Family
- August 2023: Let the 3rd Interfaith Build for Unity Officially Begin!

Interfaith Build for Unity

In 2021, Pikes Peak Habitat started bringing together congregations, groups, and communities from a variety of faith traditions, spiritual practices, and beliefs who worked side by side to build affordable homes for families in El Paso County.
IBU volunteer days are times of celebrating tolerance, cooperation, and love for our neighbor as volunteers come together to help make homeownership possible for a local family.
U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week
In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the first week in February annually as World Interfaith Harmony Week, with the goals of showcasing the importance of interfaith dialogue among people of diverse faith backgrounds, belief systems, and spiritual practices, and of spreading the message of goodwill and respect for others.
Pikes Peak Habitat's Interfaith Build for Unity subcommittee -- a group of individuals from diverse backgrounds and faiths who unite to build affordable homes in partnership with El Paso County workforce families -- invite you to join us in celebrating this initiative each year.
In 2024, Pikes Peak Habitat was honored to receive second place in the worldwide H.M. King Abdullah II U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week competition!
Check out our 2025 seven-day challenge!
See our previous U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week activities and resources.

Interfaith Dialogue

As part of Pikes Peak Habitat's celebration of U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week, we hold an annual interfaith dialogue event on the first Sunday in February. These dialogues--which are free and open to community members of all faiths and no faith--feature speakers from diverse faith traditions and an opportunity for participants to engage in a facilitated interfaith discussion.
2025: United We Build: Together Building Homes, Building Lives
2024: Who Is Your Neighbor?
2023: Building the Beloved Community in El Paso County
2022: Building as One (PDF)
Team Up Video Series

Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity is honored to be involved in The Team Up Project -- a White House initiative focused on bridgebuilding. Founding partner organizations are Catholic Charities USA, Habitat for Humanity International, Interfaith America, and YMCA of the USA.
As Pikes Peak Habitat's contribution to the project, we've created an eight-part video series focused on our interfaith projects, including our Interfaith Build for Unity.
Interfaith in the News
Pikes Peak Habitat's interfaith initiatives are gaining local, national, and international attention!
- Interfaith Programs Enter New Era (Pikes Peak Habitat print newsletter, summer 2024)
- 2024 HM King Abdullah II UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize Winners Announced (World Interfaith Harmony Week, March 22, 2024)
- Jessica Shares Her Story at 3rd Interfaith Build for Unity Launch (Pikes Peak Habitat blog, June 15, 2023)
- Why Habitat for Humanity's Theology of the Hammer Offers Hope in Polarized Times (Religion News Service, May 9, 2023)
- Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity Blesses Ground and Dedicates Home (Fox 21, April 29, 2023)
- Habitat for Humanity Hosts a Community Interfaith Event (Fox 21, Jan. 30, 2023)
- Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity Shows Support for Martin Luther King Jr. Day (KOAA, Jan. 16, 2023)
Our partners at Interfaith America showcased Chloe's story as part of their "United We Build" mini-documentary series highlighting bridgebuilders nationwide.
- IBU Individual Involvement Form (Google form)
- IBU Community Involvement Form (PDF)
- Check out how the concept of the golden rule and helping others is included in a variety of holy texts from different faith traditions (PDF)
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about how you or your community can get involved with the Interfaith Build for Unity, or engage with Habitat through our various Faith in Action Programs, please reach out:
Faith in Action Program
A Note about the Land
We acknowledge that the land on which we build is the traditional territory of the Ute, Cheyenne and Arapaho Peoples. We also recognize the 48 contemporary tribal nations that are historically tied to the lands that make up this region.