Volunteer Appreciation Event
We will host the 2024 Volunteer Appreciation Event on April 18!
The 2024 Volunteer Appreciation Event is sponsored by GE Johnson.

Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Awards

From left, Eric Stolp, Pikes Peak Habitat board vice president; Millard Fuller Award Winner Chaplain Kevin Hostettler; and Kris Lewis, Pikes Peak Habitat executive director/CEO
Millard Fuller Award
2023 Winner: Chaplain Kevin Hostettler
The volunteer who demonstrates leadership going above and beyond the call of duty and who exemplifies asking others to get involved.
(voted on by the Pikes Peak Habitat Board of Directors and Staff, Construction and ReStore Committees, and Volunteers)
Linda Fuller Award
The volunteer who does an outstanding job in working with our partner families, exemplifying compassion and devotion during and after their path to homeownership.
(voted on by the Pikes Peak Habitat Board of Directors, Affiliate Committees, Volunteers and Staff)

Above photo: From left, Eric Stolp, Pikes Peak Habitat board vice president; Journeyman Award Winner Jim Nolan; and Kris Lewis, Pikes Peak Habitat executive director/CEO

Above photo: From left, Jack Keaton and Susan Farrar, Journeyman Award winners, with members of the ReStore South staff
Journeyman Award
2023 Winners: Jim Nolan
Jack Keaton & Susan Farrar (sharing the award)
The volunteer who has made a long-term commitment to Pikes Peak Habitat, performs vital behind-the-scenes work for our affiliate, and is ready and willing to do whatever is needed to keep the organization running smoothly.
(Voted on by Pikes Peak Habitat Staff)

From left, Eric Stolp, Pikes Peak Habitat board vice president; representatives from Ent Credit Union; and Kris Lewis, Pikes Peak Habitat executive director/CEO
Construction Volunteer Group
of the Year
2023 Winner: Ent Credit Union
The volunteer group who volunteers frequently at our Pikes Peak Habitat construction site. Not only does this group demonstrate outstanding construction ability, but they also display spirit and devotion to building Habitat homes.
(Construction award voted on by Construction Volunteers and Staff)

From left, Eric Stolp, Pikes Peak Habitat board vice president; representatives from the Young Men's Service League; and Kris Lewis, Pikes Peak Habitat executive director/CEO

From left, Eric Stolp, Pikes Peak Habitat board vice president; representatives of the Air Force Academy cadets; and Kris Lewis, Pikes Peak Habitat executive director/CEO
ReStore Volunteer Group of the Year
2023 Winners: Young Men's Service League (Northeast) and Air Force Academy Cadets (South)
The volunteer group who volunteers frequently at our Habitat ReStore. Not only does this group demonstrate outstanding retail ability but they also display spirit and devotion to building Habitat homes.
(ReStore award voted on by ReStore Volunteers and Staff)

Heather Berens, Chris Brownlow Golden Hammer Award winner
The Chris Brownlow Golden Hammer Award
2023 Winner: Heather Berens
This award is named in honor of Chris Brownlow and is presented to the individual who displays the joyful and loving qualities Chris consistently demonstrated. These characteristics include strong leadership, always performing work with joy and a positive attitude, having a servant spirit, and conducting him- or herself in a manner that exemplifies the philosophy of Habitat for Humanity both within and outside of the organization.
(Voted on by Pikes Peak Habitat Board of Directors)
The George Hammond Award
The George Hammond Award honors individuals who, through their tireless service to Pikes Peak Habitat, have exhibited qualities of leadership, an unwavering belief in Habitat’s ministry, and a deep devotion and passion to serve the community and people of El Paso County, CO.
For more than 25 years, George Hammond has been the committed builder of homes, communities and hope in El Paso County. This award recognizes and is bestowed upon those volunteers who, in the Pikes Peak Habitat George Hammond Award Board of Directors ad hoc committee’s opinion, have significantly given of themselves and provided positive mentoring, guidance, support and collaboration to future homeowners, volunteers and affiliate staff.
A recipient of the George Hammond Award is a volunteer who truly is noteworthy for their constant contributions to the mission of Pikes Peak Habitat: a constant supporter, a constant advocate and, most importantly, a constant leader.
(Voted on by the Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity George Hammond Award Board of Directors ad hoc committee)
Learn more about the George Hammond Award and nomination process.

Previous Awards and Award Winners
Millard Fuller Award
John Lesnak and Phil Larish (2022), Chuck Smith (2020), David Warner (2019), Harry Moore (2018), Peter Scanlon (2017), Amber Martin (2016), Rich Klaber (2015), Frank Bernhard (2014), Jon Stephens (2013), Greg Barbuto (2012), Anonymous (2011), Art & Laurel Thorstensen (2010), Pauleta Terven (2009), Sandie Trowbridge (2008), Tim Trowbridge (2007), Kevin Dibble (2006)
Linda Fuller Award
Lori Sorrels (2022), Martha Johnson (2019), Joel Hamilton (2018), Leonie Cramer (2017), Laurel & Art Thorstensen (2016), Laura Kindseth (2015), Jackie Trimble (2014), John Sebben (2013), Mike Haskell (2012), Nancy Snyder (2011), Steve & Carol Reedy (2010), Sandy Duvall (2009), Cliff Wantz (2008), Dominic Incitti (2007), Jeff Mawhirter (2006)
Journeyman Award
Suzanne Ballard (2022), Sam Adams (2020), Robert (Bob) Ray (2019), Barry Mullane (2018), Roger Condie (2017), Tim Trowbridge (2016), Paul Rohrer (2015), Anthony Woloch (2014), Jim Riggins (2013), Stan Anderson (2012), Tri-Lakes Disposal (2011), Clark Land Surveying, Inc (2010), Leroy Springer (2009), John Chittenden (2008), Mike Stine (2007), Scott Westermann (2006)
Volunteer Group of the Year
Construction Volunteer Group of the Year
The Cutting Edge, Realtors (2022), Mike Maroone Auto (2019), USAFA Preparatory School (2018), IEC Southern Colorado Chapter (2017), Boecore Inc. (2016), Holy Apostles Catholic Church (2015), Ent Federal Credit Union (2014), Wells Fargo (2013), Parade of Homes Decorating Team (2013), Chili’s (2012), Cultured Singles (2010), Colorado Springs Utilities (2009), T. Rowe Price (2008), Pine Creek HS HFH Club (2007), Wells Fargo (2006)
ReStore Volunteer Group of the Year
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, BOSS (2022), The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind (2019), Mile High Youth Corps (2018), USAF Cadets (2017), Overture Day Program (2016)
The Chris Brownlow Golden Hammer Award
Joe DesJardin (2022), Eric Stolp (2020), Peter Scanlon (2019), Ryan Mohling (2018), Tye Tutt (2017), Harry Moore (2016), Mike Gallager (2015), George Hammond (2014), Steven Hein (2013), Brad Gann (2012), Candy Molter (2011), Jeff Mawhirter (2010), Mike Matkin (2009), Dave Warner (2008), Mark Long (2007), Rick Superak (2006)
The George Hammond Award
Tim Trowbridge (2022), Harry Moore (2020), George Hammond (2018)