Veterans Build

Veterans Build is Habitat for Humanity’s national initiative to provide volunteer, homeownership, and employment opportunities to U.S. veterans, military service members, and their families.
As an official Veterans Build Affiliate with Habitat for Humanity International, Pikes Peak Habitat builds, maintains, and preserves homes in partnership with veterans and their families. We’re also committed to seeking more volunteer engagement from veteran groups, as well as recruiting veterans for employment and other service opportunities.
Meet our 6th Veterans Build Partner Family
Willie is a United States Army veteran who first moved to El Paso County in 1988, when he was stationed at Fort Carson. Back then, he recalls, Colorado Springs was much smaller—and different from how it is now. Austin Bluffs marked the edge of the city. Roads were so treacherous during the winters that “the military had to put chains on our tires,” he says, and “they had Piggly Wiggly on Academy.”
Past Veterans Builds
A Note about the Land
We acknowledge that the land on which we build is the traditional territory of the Ute, Cheyenne and Arapaho Peoples. We also recognize the 48 contemporary tribal nations that are historically tied to the lands that make up this region.